Monday, June 17, 2013

Cloth Diapering

I am so excited! I got my Newborn Cloth Diaper Rental from Earthy Crunchy Mama over the weekend and the diapers are adorable. I got 4 bumGenius All-in-Ones, 4 Fuzzy Buns Pocket Diapers, 4 Little Joey All-in-One, 3 MiniMaestro Pocket Diapers, 3 Kissaluvs All-in-Ones and 3 Kissaluvs Fitteds plus a few prefolds to try and a bunch of free stuff I can keep (cloth wipes, doublers for nap/bedtime, cloth diaper detergent etc) all for a $150 deposit.  
They are so cute :) The pictures sucks but that's what you get at 1am 
I cannot wait to start using these and see which ones I like. I originally got the Premium Rental which is Pockets, All-in-Ones and Fitteds but I wanted to try Prefolds as well (just in case I like them) and Jenn worked with me and made that happen. Prefolds are definitely the cheapest option and I wanted to try them for two reasons. A) They are cheap and if I love them that's awesome for the wallet. B) You can use a diaper service with Prefolds so if I decide prefolds is how I want to go, I can sign up for a service meaning they provide the diapers, they pick them up dirty and leave the clean ones. The money saving aspect of cloth diapering goes out the window (around $100 a month) but the convenience goes way up. I work from home though so I don't think I can justify the extra cost just to avoid laundry. Either way, excited to get started.

Here is an overview of the program:
  • Choose a Program (Prefolds or Premium Rental)
  • Choose Diapers (Choices vary by rental program) 
  • Pay $25 Program Fee & Rental Deposit
  • We mail your diapers to you for the date of your choosing.
  • Keep the diapers as long as you want.
  • Don't like a diaper?  Want to exchange it?  Just email us and we will send you new diapers.  You just need to cover the shipping.
  • Contact us for a return shipping label when you are finished with the diapers.
  • USPS will pick up your diapers at your home for the day of your choosing.
  • Choose Cash Back or Store Credit and receive your refund.
  • If you choose to keep any of the diapers or accessories you will be billed for them at a discounted rate.


  1. I use the BumGenius cloth diapers and really like them. Baby will be hear before you know it! I hope everything goes smoothly with your delivery!!
