Monday, June 17, 2013

Cloth Diapering

I am so excited! I got my Newborn Cloth Diaper Rental from Earthy Crunchy Mama over the weekend and the diapers are adorable. I got 4 bumGenius All-in-Ones, 4 Fuzzy Buns Pocket Diapers, 4 Little Joey All-in-One, 3 MiniMaestro Pocket Diapers, 3 Kissaluvs All-in-Ones and 3 Kissaluvs Fitteds plus a few prefolds to try and a bunch of free stuff I can keep (cloth wipes, doublers for nap/bedtime, cloth diaper detergent etc) all for a $150 deposit.  
They are so cute :) The pictures sucks but that's what you get at 1am 
I cannot wait to start using these and see which ones I like. I originally got the Premium Rental which is Pockets, All-in-Ones and Fitteds but I wanted to try Prefolds as well (just in case I like them) and Jenn worked with me and made that happen. Prefolds are definitely the cheapest option and I wanted to try them for two reasons. A) They are cheap and if I love them that's awesome for the wallet. B) You can use a diaper service with Prefolds so if I decide prefolds is how I want to go, I can sign up for a service meaning they provide the diapers, they pick them up dirty and leave the clean ones. The money saving aspect of cloth diapering goes out the window (around $100 a month) but the convenience goes way up. I work from home though so I don't think I can justify the extra cost just to avoid laundry. Either way, excited to get started.

Here is an overview of the program:
  • Choose a Program (Prefolds or Premium Rental)
  • Choose Diapers (Choices vary by rental program) 
  • Pay $25 Program Fee & Rental Deposit
  • We mail your diapers to you for the date of your choosing.
  • Keep the diapers as long as you want.
  • Don't like a diaper?  Want to exchange it?  Just email us and we will send you new diapers.  You just need to cover the shipping.
  • Contact us for a return shipping label when you are finished with the diapers.
  • USPS will pick up your diapers at your home for the day of your choosing.
  • Choose Cash Back or Store Credit and receive your refund.
  • If you choose to keep any of the diapers or accessories you will be billed for them at a discounted rate.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

38 Weeks

I can't believe that I am 38 weeks pregnant. So many changes since we found out I was pregnant. We moved from Beijing to Atlanta to live with my parents short term until we moved to Charleston. Then we decided to postpone Charleston and moved into our own (rented) place in Atlanta. Now we are settling into the new house, setting up the nursery and awaiting Remi's arrival. Doctor's appointments are every week now and we are wondering when he will make his grand entrance. Birthing classes, Hypnobabies, are over, showers are behind me and we have almost everything we need for his room. 

I have been told I am super healthy which is great and today I was told he is measuring at 6 pounds 12 ounces...which means the earlier guess of 9 pounds was a smidge off. Can't say I'm too bummed about that. Our one surprise is that after the 35 week appointment, little man decided he had had enough of standing on his head so he flipped head up (apparently very rare...awesome). He is now frank breech. Thankfully there is still plenty of fluid around him for him to turn back and if not, the midwives do deliver frank breech babies...but either way, keep your fingers crossed that he somersaults back to the more normal head down position :)

I haven't done one of these before but here is my bumpdate:

How far along? 37 weeks and 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: 32 much for keeping it under 30 ;)

Maternity clothes? Ha...yeah, real clothes bit the dust months ago 

Stretch marks? Some additions to the bust area but none on my stomach...yay!

Belly Button? Half in and half out, pretty weird looking

Sleep: Since turning over feels like a marathon it is a little hit or miss

Best moment of the week: Seeing him on the ultrasound again today and seeing his little heart beating and his lungs working 

Miss Anything? Beer, Tequila, sleeping on my stomach, being able to turn over and stand up with ease

Movement: Like he is trying to escape by kicking a whole in me

Food cravings: Not really, just enjoying eating as much fruit as I can get my hands on

Anything making you queasy or sick: Chick Fil'A ...ate it again today even though I had a pretty good idea that I am sensitive to whatever they fry the chicken in. Cramps all afternoon after that

Have you started to show yet: Since about 11 weeks so yeah

Gender: A boy :)

Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks every once in a while but nothing yet

Wedding rings on or off? Wedding ring on, engagement ring off

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy 100% of the time, Tired about 90%

Looking forward to: His arrival